Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Let Me Rephrase That

The Wall Street Journal's Opinion Journal has a nifty little javascript that throws a pop-under on browser close:

Wall Street Journal ad
    Opinion: Popup ads are annoying.
    Fact: This is one offer worth the annoyance.
Perhaps a little rephrasing is in order. Fact: Popup ads annoy me. There you go, no judgement, mere fact with a sentence written with active voice. Want another? Fact: I never buy anything from popup ads. I could go on all day.

You want to throw around offers worth their annoyances, how about sending me another free four week trial of the Wall Street Journal? I promise I'll consider buying the cow this time.

At least it's only on close, and not unload; this means all I have to do to avoid this particular popup is to go to a different site when I am done with OpinionJournal. Still, onClose is kinda insidious. How does it feel, Wall Street Journal, to use a technology tested and vetted on porn sites everywhere? So I hear, anyway.


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