Wednesday, May 19, 2004


The St. Louis Post-Dispatch's online site,, has been puking up pop-unders from this company for some time now:

Next Student ad

The whole line of ads implies that the United States government wants you to use Next Student. They also claim that they're a free service. Just like any refinancing is free; you just change who you pay the interest to. They even say it in the ad, "You save money. We make money."

Still, they're really skirting the edge of impersonating some sort of government program. Cooperate with the government. If you're a college graduate, or even a college drop-out, who falls for it, I suppose you deserve whatever you get from a financial organization that advertises in pop-up ads to low-priced online sites.

"Next Student, we're gonna school ya."

Another Test

Tickle has tried it before, but now they're trying it again:

More Tickle

Are you smart? Not if you click this button.

There are plenty of places on the Web to take quizzes. However, Tickle ain't one.

PS: Here's a quiz. Where's the grammatical error in this pop-up?