Friday, July 23, 2004

Grab That....Heart, Yeah, Heart

Angelfire, the free Web hosting bunch, is throwing up this ad as part of its handful (two or more) that display when you load a page hosted there:

Angelfire Ad

Capture Her Heart and get a....

Well, friends, what do you think it is?
  • A slap for improper use of hands?

  • A restraining order for the same?

  • Immortality, power, or whatever that guy in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was after?

  • Lesson in proper use of capital letters from an expert, such as the one who wrote this tag line?
Feel free to invent your own!

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Also, Get a Free Apostrophe

Not only do you get an unfree (at least, that's what I assume the footnote says) PlayStation 2 with this ad, you get a free extra apostrophe!

Free Apostrophes!  Free Apostrophes!

You can use that apostrophe anywhere you would like, including places where it doesn't naturally go!

Four Out Of Five Dentists Hate Pop-Up Ads

Hey, Colgate, you're not building any good brand karma when you throw full motion-and-sound commercial pop-under ads like this one:
Freeze frame from Colgate ad
You better just learn your lesson, or I am going to tell the world that Colgate contains sodium lauryl sulfate, a substance that poses a significant cancer risk.

Tickle Me This

Dear Tickle:

I really would like to help you by debugging this annoying pop-under ad you sent me:

Tickle ad with free runtime error

My company charges $65 an hour for debugging services. Please let us know if we can be of service, and if not service, at least as much annoyance as you are.